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Take Responsibility!

Writer: Oliver Oliver

To achieve your goals and get the life you want the first step on your journey is to take radical responsibility for your life.

No more outside blaming or making external things responsible for the way things are. You have to take an honest look within and be radically honest with yourself about the areas in your life where you assign blame to outside cirumstances for the way things are.

Its not your past that determines your future. It is what you do right now in THIS moment that will make all the difference.

So what does taking radical responsibiliy mean?

It means to OWN every aspect of your life as your creation.

To own it means to be responsible for it.

To be responsible for it means it is of your making so therefore you have the power to change it.

If there is blame or an excuse assigned to outside events of the past, this is the old victim trap where you might unconsciously play the role of the justified victim.

We all grew up with different challenges and limitations. This is just the way things are. The question is what are you gonna do with it?

When you take responsibility for every aspect of your life you take your power back and from that point change can occur.

By blaming others, your upbringing, your past or outside events you take on the role of the victim and give your power away. From that stance change becomes impossible.

Make it a habit to watch yourself and your inner dialogue. Notice every time you blame your past or outside events for the way things are.

Realize that everytime you do this you actively make yourself powerless and prevent change.

It is a negative spell you put upon yourself.

Instead stop these old thinking habits and replace them with a resounding:

“I own this aspect of my life now!”

And feel the change of energy within yourself.

Feel how your power comes back to you as you say this to yourself!

Once you get into the habit of watching your inner dialogue as an observer you ll notice the many sneaky little ways your egos trys to avoid responsibility. By keeping a constant watch on it you will break this ego habit and replace it with radical responsibility.

Once you do change truly becomes possible because you are back in the drivers seat.

The cool thing about learning hypnosis as a tool for selfimprovement is that once you learn the skills you can go within and eradicate old limiting beliefs and unconscious blocks that keep you from attracting and creating what you want.

I really think this stuff should be taught in school and this is what I teach in my seminars and life coachings.

Until then keep watching that inner dialogue of yours and take responsibility and notice the changes in power.

You are in the drivers seat. ;)

Talk soon,




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