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Aligning with Beauty

Writer: Oliver Oliver

I talk about the concept of "Aligning Yourself with Beauty" a lot in my client sessions recently. To increase your awareness and sensitivity to beauty is one way of raising your level of consciousness according to Dr. David Hawkins.

I personally experienced the immense power of this process and I recommend it to all my clients, especially those on a spiritual path.

There are two aspects to it. To renounce the negative and to expose yourself to beauty as much as you can.

Renouncing the negative, means to take an honest inventory of your life and let go of anything that has a negative energy attached to it. You can find out which is negative or not by being radically honest about each aspect of your life and feeling it out and contemplating it.

The second aspect of aligning yourself with beauty is to increase your awareness of the beauty that is in your life already, to revere it and make an active effort to expose yourself to even more beauty in all its various forms. One step to do that is to start the habit of asking yourself what you can be grateful for in your life. By doing this regularly you gonna reset your perceptual filters to show you more of the beautiful things that are in your life already, which you might not have been aware of before.

According to the consciousness research of Dr. David Hawkins who discovered the well known map of consciousness, which delineates the different consciousness levels that can be achieved by a human being, Dr. Hawkins discovered that to expose yourself to certain types of music can be very benefitial for your advancement of consciousness. Some types of music calibrate very high on an energy level according to the map of consciousness.

The discovery of Dr. Hawkins' map of consciousness and the application of the kineosologic technique, which allows for a calibration of the consciousness or energy level of everything that exists, is in and of itself a discovery of such immense implication that it literally took me years to get a glimpse of an understanding what it means.

It is literally the E = mc2 of the spiritual/nonlinear domain.

Everything that exists has energy and everything that exists is calibrateable through muscletesting (kineosology) and its inherent energy can be identified on the map of consciousness. To get into how the muscletest procedure works would be too much for this article but below you will find the Map of Consciousness according to Dr. David Hawkins.

The process of letting go of negative aspects in your life (e.g. music, movies, negative people etc) and aligning yourself with beauty helps the process of reaching higher and higher levels in which you become increasingly aware of the beauty that exists within everything.

From the consciousness level 540 which is the level of Unconditional Love, an awareness and consciousness level which is very high and rarely achieved, everything shines forth from within with an inner beauty according to Dr. Hawkins. The truth of everything (beauty) reveals itself when all the inner blocks to the awareness of it have been removed, the mind has been transcended and the consciousnesslevel rises as a result to the level of unconditonal love.

Here is Dr. Hawkins talking about the subjective experience of the consciousness level of Unconditional Love at 540, the awareness that comes on once the lower levels of consiousness and the newtonian paradgim of linear reality (the level of the mind) has been transcended.

In this next clip he talks about his own subjective experience of enlightenment, the dissolution of the ego, the realization of oneness at consciousness level 600 that occured to him at age 36 and after which he didnt speak for 20 years.

To reach higher states it is necessary to become serious about spiritual work and have the right information on how to go about it. Dr. Hawkins laid it all out in his books and seminars. I can't recommend them enough, I consider him as my one and only true spiritual teacher in this lifetime and I am forever grateful to have had the chance to meet him in his last years when he was teaching in Sedona, Arizona.

Coming back to the theme of beauty and music, below you will find some musical pieces that have the power to bypass the mind and its mentalization and can transport you to experience glimpses of very high levels of consciousness.

To reach these states permantly takes spiritual work and the idea of aligning yourself with beauty is a part of this work.


Nessun Dorma - Puccini

According to Dr. Hawkins Puccinis music calibrates at an energy level of 530 which is the consciousness level of Love, almost Unconditional Love (540). I let this performance speak for itself.

Pavarotti's facial expression on the last note shows he is touching such a high level, he himself feels shaken.

Pachelbel Canon

Johann Pachelbel's canon calibrates at consciousness level of 645, which is the state of Enlightenment, the realization of God immanent as Oneness.

Ennio Morricone - L'estasi dell Oro

I don't know the calibrated level of this piece but I include it because of its beauty to me. When I saw Morricone live I had tears in my eyes from the second song into the concert. I assume it calibrates in the low 500's.

Kyrie - Robert Gass

This next piece of music calibrates over consciousness level 700 which is the very rare consciousness level of enlightenment. And here is David Hawkins, talking about it himself.

Om Namah Shivaya - Robert Gass

This piece calibrates about 740 according to Hawkins. The quality of the video/sound is a bit bad but the energy of the music and Hawkins talking from that consciousness level knocks me out every time.

Hallelujah - Robert Gass

This ending of a lecture series with the song Hallelujah by Robert Gass also calibrates at an energy level of 700. Hawkins ended his lectures oftentimes by playing music to bring the listener in contact with their Self with a capitol S. A state of consciousness of Oneness with the presence of God within. It contains a blessing of David Hawkins who spoke from this rare state of enlightenment.

Renounce negative energy fields and align yourself with beauty as much as you can.

When you find yourself being touched by the beauty of a piece of music, your hair on the back of your head standing up and your heart opening or when you go about your day and see something that the world would consider ugly but you see its are on the right track.



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